As part of the 2010/11 federal budget, the Government announced a $466.7 million investment over two years for a national Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) system for all Australians who choose to register online, from 1st July 2012. On 12 April, 2011, there was a draft Concept of Operations released to the public for feedback. The 119 submissions were finally published fully by the Dept of Health and Ageing in the latter half of 2011. A Concept of Operations was released in late 2011 and an Amendment published in January 2012. The PCEHR went live on 2nd July 2012, but only for registrations.
The design of the PCEHR is still evolving. There never has been any clear design documentation available to the public. There is still no coherent documentation suite for the PCEHR available anywhere. If and when such documentation is made available, Healthbase Australia will update this page with relevant links.
In November 2013, a limited
review of PCEHR adoption and functionality was announced. There has never been an independent evaluation of the design of the PCEHR. There has never been a business case for the PCEHR released to the public against which a design review could be framed.

Healthbase Australia will update this page if or when the status of the above changes.